how to shape fiddle leaf fig

how to shape fiddle leaf fig

The Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Plant Food has the perfect ratio of … Before you begin, be sure to put down an old sheet or a drop cloth, as each cut will bleed a sticky sap that can damage your floor and irritate skin. Depending on where your plant is getting its light, it may grow sideways toward the nearest window, which can leave your plant lopsided or off balance. But if you’ve optimized for most or all of these factors, then it won’t take more than two weeks to see lateral growth. All you need is a sterile pair of pruning shears and a rag to wipe up excess sap. Try to prune in the spring or early summer. Pruning a fiddle leaf fig is an important part of keeping your plant healthy and looking its best. That is, the more angled branching you wanted. (Not sure, Because removing excess branches from your plant gives you access to stem cuttings, many people like to attempt to propagate their fiddle leaf fig at this time. As your small plant grows, you may want to begin to shape it into a tree. If you have tightly crowded branches, you’ll want to remove some areas to provide improved airflow and reduce crowding. Lately I've been getting a ton of comments about the fiddle leaf fig tree in my family room. (Not sure what fertilizer is best for your fiddle leaf fig? Once you’ve marked the areas you’d like to remove and have verified that you are happy with the final shape, it’s time to prune. Water your fiddle leaf fig about once per week when the soil feels dry. Pruning your fiddle leaf fig keeps it healthy and reduces unwanted growth. The two most common shapes for fiddle leaf fig plants are a column, often planted in groups of twos or threes, and a tree shape. As a caregiver, it would benefit both you and your plant for you to explore these topics on our website or in our free online community called the Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Resource Center. Try to prune in the spring or early summer. Keep it in a bright spot. Use a sharp, clean tool to prune your plant and be sure that the cutting motion is not crushing or damaging the stem. They can get lopsided or too big for their location in a hurry. To encourage more growth, give access to plenty of light after pruning. I find it’s helpful to mark all the branches you’d like to remove with colored tape or a Post-it Note before you start, which helps make sure the leftover foliage looks balanced. Healthy plants may grow several inches or even a few feet each year. Instead of growing straight up toward the sun like they would outdoors, they may grow sideways. Facebook: Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Resource Group. Smaller plants tend to be bushier, and larger plants tend to be more tree-shaped. Give it time, and it will all match in texture and tone. Make each cut about half an inch from any leaves or the trunk. Cutting the plant outside is best, so you can water and fertilize it immediately after the “procedure.” To make your cut, locate a space between nodes and leaves. There are some things you can do to encourage your fiddle leaf fig to grow faster. Assess the overall health of each branch and group of leaves so that you can plan to remove the least healthy areas of your plant first. As your small plant grows, you may want to begin to shape it into a tree. You’ll see that just below those cuts are multiple branches. Larger trunks and branches may require heavy duty shears or a manual hedge trimmer. Cutting the plant outside is best, so you can water and fertilize it immediately after the “procedure.”. However, if your plant is suffering or not getting enough light, it may only continue to grow one branch where it was cut. If your fiddle leaf fig tree is dying or in rough shape, this complete guide should help you save it.. My Fig Tree is Dying: How to Save Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Let’s first address the common indications that your fiddle leaf tree is suffering. How to Grow a Fiddle-Leaf Fig Indoors In cooler climates, you can start growing fiddle-leaf ferns as attractive container plants. The Health of your Fiddle Leaf Fig. The Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree, known for its sculptural shape and stick-thin trunk, is arguably the “it” plant of the moment.If you are not familiar yet, you will be soon: this incredibly gorgeous tree, which also comes in bush or columnar form, appears in magazines, design blogs, and all over Instagram. Healthy fiddle leaf fig plants can aggressively grow toward the sun, which means they may get too large or tall for their location. The plant becomes quite large and heavy, so re-pot your Fiddle Leaf every two years to promote new growth. That way, it will grow evenly, rather than lean toward the light. They also thrive in a lot (and we mean A LOT) of very bright, indirect light. Plants look best when their top leaves are at least 8 to 10 inches below the ceiling, so you will want to remove any growth above that height. Rotate the plant every fortnight to ensure all sides receive the same volume of sunlight. To help your plant heal from the trauma of pruning and to encourage new growth, be sure to fertilize your plant regularly after pruning. According to, a 10-10-10 fertiliser will do the job, but the ideal NPK ratio is 3-1-2. By pruning your plant to keep it from getting too tall, you’ll create a stronger and more compact plant. Decide if you’re trying to prune your plant toward a proper tree shape or keep it as a compact bush shape. "However, it is also known for its finicky properties." Fiddle leaf figs are hungry plants and their growth can stall once their soil is exhausted. Given proper care, plenty of sunshine, and enough soil to expand its root ball, your fiddle leaf fig will grow quickly. When you notice damaged or sick leaves, remove them quickly any time of year. The truth is, although I would love to be a plant person, I'm not. How to Cut Your Fiddle Leaf Fig All you need is a sterile pair of pruning shears and a rag to wipe up excess sap. It is best to cut just below a leaf so the future growth has plenty of trunk space. Dwarf forms are now available, such as F. lyrata “Bambino”. If your plant is off balance, you’ll want to remove gangly or unsightly growth to create an attractive overall shape. This ficus is a slow growing plant that may take up to 10 -15 years to reach full maturity, but after 3 or 4 years of growth it starts to become an attractive tree like ornamental house plant. If you’re angling for a more tree-like look, your fiddle leaf fig pruning will involve removing the older lower leaves on the trunk, provided you have healthy growth happening on top of your plant. The leaves are variable in shape, but often with a broad apex and narrow middle, resembling a lyre or fiddle; they are up to 45 cm (18 inch) long and 30 cm (12 inch) broad, though usually smaller, with a leathery texture, prominent veins and a wavy margin. Smaller plants tend to be bushier, and larger plants tend to be more tree-shaped. These tropical plants hate drafts, so choose an area that isn’t directly in line with an exterior door, drafty window or near an air vent. When your fiddle leaf fig’s soil starts to feel slightly dry to the touch, water it until the soil is moistened. Native to the tropical climate of Western Africa, the Fiddle Leaf Fig thrives in very warm, bright, and humid conditions. They have large, beautiful fiddle-shaped leaves and can grow up to 10 feet indoors. Shaping your fiddle leaf fig is a lot like sculpting a masterpiece; you will want to have a vision of your end goal in mind before you begin. 2 Buy Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food on Amazon Now! Fiddle-leaf figs need humidity. Copyright © echo date(Y);?> Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Resource, Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food Moisture Meter, How to Shape A Fiddle Leaf Fig Into A Tree, Pruning and Shaping Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant, To Prune or Not to Prune: What to Do With Damaged Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves, When to Remove the Lower Leaves From Your Fiddle Leaf Fig (And When NOT To! Any branches that touch each other should be addressed, as well as leaves that are impeding each other’s growth. Move it to a sheltered spot outdoors to protect it from wind, sunburn, cold temperatures, and soccer balls the neighbors’ children kick over the fence. Plants can still get off balance, and pruning will help keep growth from getting lopsided. One of the most common complaints with fiddle leaf fig trees, since with good care they simply grow straight up or out to the side. Use, This eventually gives the appearance of a fuller and healthier plant. Decide if you’re trying to prune your plant toward a proper tree shape or keep it as a compact bush shape. Cut around 1/3 of the way across the trunk and around 1/3 deep, at an angle. You can buy specialist fiddle-leaf fig … Leave the plant in the sink or outside for a few hours to let the water drain out the bottom so that the roots don’t start to rot. There are several reasons you will want to prune your plant. Someone had a vision and knew exactly what to do. Use a pot and potting soil that provide excellent drainage, since these trees won’t survive wet soil. If your plant gets too compact and crowded, the leaves can suffer damage from rubbing against each other. That makes sense then. The new branches will but beneath the top leaves of your tree. This plant is aptly named, as each leaf is in the shape of a fiddle (or violin). There are two general shapes of fiddle leaf fig plants: a bush shape and a tree shape. The current health of your Fiddle Leaf Fig affects everything. An injured or sick leaf drains the resources of your plant and can spread an infection. Fiddle leaf fig leaves need airflow and space to be healthy. You’ll want to get a sharp pair of pruning shears because dull tools or scissors can crush the stems and damage your plant. Try our Plant Food!) If your space is particularly dry, it’s a good idea to mist your fig’s leaves occasionally to keep humidity levels up. If your plant is less than 5 feet (1.5 m) tall, wait several weeks or months until the plant has grown more. This eventually gives the appearance of a fuller and healthier plant. Fiddle leaf figs either have bare or leaf-covered stems or trunks. Tease out some of the outer roots if possible, carefully spreading them wider. The Fiddle Leaf Fig is easily recognizable and loved for its distinctive foliage. Next, you’ll want to clean and disinfect your tools, as germs on your tools can infect your plant. Climate: prefers a warm-temperate or tropical growing environment outdoors, but will grow in indoor environments. Pruning the damaged leaves and branches from this fiddle leaf fig could potentially save it. Fiddle leaf figs can quickly get lopsided and become unstable without pruning. If your goal is to cut back an overgrown branch and transform it into multiple smaller offshoots, the this post and video below are for you. I just got my first plant a few weeks ago. Remove and dispose of any dropped leaves or debris to keep germs and infections from spreading. If you’re going for a tree-like shape, you’ll want to remove lower leaves and branches to reveal a proper trunk. Then remove growth that does not fit within your ideal shape. Once you’ve marked the areas you’d like to remove and have verified that you are happy with the final shape, it’s time to prune. In the wild, these plants are native to the African rain forest, reaching heights of 40 to 50 feet. Cut the branch right above a node (where a leaf connects with the branch). There are two general shapes of fiddle leaf fig plants: a bush shape and a tree shape. This allows your plant to properly heal without risk of infection to the main trunk or any remaining leaves. Foliage: large green undulate, fiddle-shaped leaves with prominent veins. Place it in a spot where it gets high, indirect light exposure. Choose a branch with a healthy leaf on it. ), A Fiddley Rescue: How to Revive a Dead Fiddle Leaf Fig. Now here is where it gets interesting. Regularly remove damaged leaves and stems by pruning. You don’t want to prune the plant’s branches until the fig tree is well-established. To propagate your cutting into a new plant,watch our propagation video on the best way to propagate your fiddle leaf fig. Place the root ball of the tree in the soil of the new container. You’ll want to thin crowded areas by pruning. Why is my Fiddle Leaf Fig Growing Leaves at the Bottom? This tall, dramatic plant has very large, heavily veined, violin-shaped leaves that grow upright. Check periodically to see if the roots are growing out of the hole in the bottom of the pot. Go slowly at first, and never remove more than 10% of your plant at once to reduce the risk of shock. If you are so likely, think about conserving the healthy clippings and also root them in a container of water to make more fiddle leaf fig plants. What you need to know about a fiddle leaf fig Name: fiddle leaf fig, banjo fig, Ficus lyrata Height: 10–12m tall. An evergreen tree, in her natural habit a plucky specimen might reach as high as 15m – though 3m is more typical for a potted specimen. You should see new growth within a few weeks to a month after pruning your plant. New growth will be lighter in color and a little more delicate than your mature, hearty lower leaves and branches. Run your shears through the dishwasher or thoroughly wash and dry with soap and water before you begin pruning. Again, many factors play into exactly when the magic appears. Fiddle Leaf Figs require a sturdy pot and premium quality soil mix for planting indoors, where they thrive in warm temperatures and bright, indirect light. Now is the perfect time to water it and feed it with a gentle fiddle leaf fig fertilizer formulated specifically for this species. I guess it's time I come clean. Maybe it is leaning heavily to one side and you are considering cutting it down a few feet. Any leaves with large brown spots or holes can safely be removed to improve the overall health of your plant. Fertilize your fiddle-leaf fig no more than every six months, or else it may grow too large too fast. Be careful to think before you cut, as you cannot undo a severed branch. In fact, I can't keep a house plant alive for the life of me and frankly I'm done trying! Once your cutting has been in the soil for 2 – 3 months and has started to grow new leaves, it’s time to feed it. Pruning will keep your plant healthy, balanced, and a good size for its location. Add the remaining soil around the root ball until the soil is about two or three inches from the top. This is a super exciting stage in your fiddle leaf fig tree’s life because now you can start to shape it into an instagram worthy plant! This choice of locations increases the chance of more than one branch, sometimes even three or four, emerging from this stem. This plant may look better if it was pruned to give it 8 to 10 inches of space from the ceiling. We mentioned a few things here today that may raise more questions, like the perfect light exposure for your plant, how to establish a good watering rhythm, and how seasonal changes affect your tree. The name fiddle given to this plant comes from its kind of fiddle (violin) shaped leaves). Remove the fiddle leaf fig tree from the old container. Buy Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food on Amazon Now! Are you satisfied with the current height of your fiddle leaf fig? Generally, if your plant is in good health, it will split its branch where it has been pruned, resulting in two branches where one used to be. The best time to prune your fiddle leaf fig is in the spring when there will be plenty of light to fuel recovery and new growth. However, if your plant is suffering or not getting enough light, it may only continue to grow one branch where it was cut. Plan to remove any growth that is within 8 to 10 inches of the ceiling or surrounding walls and furniture. Depending on the time of year, your watering and feeding routine, the light exposure your plant enjoys, and even plain old genetics, you will see a new branch or two begin to pop out of the trunk you cut. Place the branch (with a leaf attached) in clean water, and replace the water every week or so, whenever it starts looking less than clear. Prune your plant toward a tree shape by removing the lower leaves. If your plant is not currently growing, or possibly just trying to survive, it may not have the energy to grow – even if you try to encourage it with pruning, notching or pinching. If you are planning to use your pruned clippings for propagation, follow the steps in this propagation guide to learn more. Use a pair of clean and sharp cutters, or a razor if your FLF has a thinner trunk. But inside, lower leaves may still get plenty of light and remain on the plant. With proper care, fiddle leaf figs can grow into beautiful trees that you can propagate. Once you have become comfortable with regularly pruning and shaping your plant, you can move on to propagation. Truly, if you have a lanky beanstalk of a plant, then congratulations, at least you know your plant is happy. Also, every week or two dust the leaves with a damp cloth. This fiddle leaf fig might look better with less crowded leaves and a more balanced shape. To prevent this, it’s important to rotate your plant regularly so it grows symmetrically. Do you have a mature fiddle leaf fig tree that is really tall? If you are planning to use your pruned clippings for propagation, follow the steps in this. If you’re looking for a dramatically different houseplant, consider growing a fiddle leaf fig. Fiddle Leaf Fig is a very popular house plant that can elevate the design of your house. "Its large, shiny, fiddle/violin shaped leaves make this architectural plant unique and one of the most popular houseplants on the planet," she says. They also recommend to fertilise every other time you water, and obvs to stop fertilising when growth stops in winter. To revive a dying fiddle-leaf fig, chop off the top of the trunk. Deciding if you need to re-pot a fiddle leaf fig tree can be tricky. Pruning your plant is essential for keeping it healthy and looking well, just like grooming your dog or cat. Submerge the stem in a rooting hormone and place it in a place that receives moderate light with a bit of shade. 6. Below is your guide to properly pruning your fiddle leaf fig plant. [17] Fiddle Leaf Fig is the fiddle leaf fig – so called because of its violin-shaped, puckered leaves. What can you expect to happen next to your fiddle leaf fig? But that’s okay. Now, anytime you go into a garden center and wonder how those majestic fiddles went from small shrubs to the lollipop shape tree, get a little closer and look for cuts like we made today. When trimming fiddle leaf fig, it is additionally advised to safeguard the area around your plant with a drop-cloth, as any cuts made might exude a sticky sap on your floors and also no one wants that. To make your cut, locate a space between nodes and leaves. In order to shape your plant to look best for its location, you’ll want to remove lower leaves and branches that are growing too wide. Re-potting Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree. Because removing excess branches from your plant gives you access to stem cuttings, many people like to attempt to propagate their fiddle leaf fig at this time. And now, so do you! Grown indoors, fiddle leaf fig plants can take on unusual shapes because of their limited access to sunlight. People have been asking how I've managed to keep it alive and so green. If your fiddle-leaf fig tree outgrows your house, that means it’s really, really happy. Copyright © echo date(Y);?> Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Resource, Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food Moisture Meter, Pruning and Shaping Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant. Fertilising fiddle-leaf figs. This can ruin the tree-like shape many people strive for. The 2020 Gift Guide for Fiddle Leaf Fig Lovers, The Complete Guide to Fiddle Leaf Fig Fruit. Plan to Remove Damaged Leaves or Branches, Encourage Your Fiddle Leaf Fig to Grow Faster, You’ll want to get a sharp pair of pruning shears, what fertilizer is best for your fiddle leaf fig. Additionally, in the wild, the lower leaves will fall off due to lack of sunlight. Her signature leaf takes the shape of a lyre or fiddle – wide at the apex and narrow in the middle. If there are leaves with brown spots or branches with smaller leaf growth, mark those areas for removal. Notching a Fiddle Leaf Fig may seem scary but it shouldn’t be! To encourage more growth, give access to, To help your plant heal from the trauma of pruning and to encourage new growth, be sure to fertilize your plant regularly after pruning. Even though they look very different, these two shapes are the same plant, and you can actually make a tree by carefully pruning and shaping your plant! Starting from the base of the plant, use a measuring tape to check the exact height of your fiddle leaf fern. Excited to begin watching it grow. The best time to prune your fiddle leaf fig is in the spring when there will be plenty of light to fuel recovery and new growth. If you’ve done it correctly, some milky white sap will drip. Do this above a leaf node. Also known as Ficus lyrata, fiddle leaf figs can grow up to 10 to 15 feet or more inside your home, says Lisa Eldred Steinkopf of The Houseplant Guru. When grown as a houseplant, be prepared to rotate your fiddle-leaf fig every few days so a different part faces the light source. Start your fiddle off on the right foot by placing it in the absolute best spot in your home. To learn more about how to encourage your fiddle leaf fig to grow new branches, watch the Fiddle Leaf Fig Notching Tutorial. , just like grooming your dog or cat hungry plants and their growth can once. At first, and obvs to stop fertilising when growth stops in winter how to shape fiddle leaf fig. Water, and larger plants tend to be a plant, use a sharp, clean tool to prune plant... Some of the plant outside is best, so you can do to encourage your fiddle leaf fig plant on. 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